I'm Maria Kronberg, and 'Kronbergs ateljé' is the studio in the basement of our house. Being a bit of an oddball, with a great love for colours, flowers and books, I create surface pattern designs and free embroidery. Raised by handy and talented mother and grandmother I early on learned how to DIY with both quality and style, or more truly, personal style. I’m heavily inspired by the Scandinavian design and printing techniques of the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s - bold colours, graphic and simple.

When I make repeat patterns I work with very rough sketches, or just crappy doodles, and then trace them to Adobe Illustrator where the magic happens. I often start my work with some kind of manual printing; I enjoy block printing a lot, and screen printing, and regularly attend workshops in graphic printing methods. I’m also madly in love with my scissors, and often make both collage and decoupage. Trained and skilled in the textile crafts, including embroidery, weaving and bobbin lace making. ​

As for my values - just be a nice and decent person and everything will be ok. Don’t judge other people, we’re all just doing the best we can. And your crappy doodles hold a value and can be refined into something greater - don’t throw them away! Save them and make magic with them, I promise that they will turn any rainy day into sunshine in you soul.


Always remember

  • Life gets more exciting and rewarding when you stop following the heard, and search out your own path
  • Whatever makes you weird is probably your greatest asset
  • How other people react to your choices is not your responsibility

Lots of love,


Aside from several classes at "Folk High School" (Folkhögskola) in different textile techniques I have also taken several part time classes in Art and Design at undergraduate level.

​Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden: 

  • Producing and Using Exhibitions, basic course. 7,5 ECTS 
  • Design 1, basic course. 7,5 ECTS 
  • Design 2, basic course. 7,5 ECST 
  • Textiles Design 1, basic course. 7.5 ECTS 
  • Textiles Expression - Lace and Embroidery, basic course. 7,5 ECTS​

Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden: 

  • Design, Decorative and Applied Art. 7,5 ECTS 
  • The Mask of Beauty 7,5 ECTS

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